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2018 annual check-in

Well, here we are, almost a year later, and not a single blog post. I guess so many other things have been a priority. Blog posts are such a huge effort, considering how easy social media makes it for people to quickly drop super short info bytes through Facebook and Instagram, among others. I guess the other reason I haven't felt a need to blog is my lack of creative output. I look back at all the crafting I used to do and all the free time I dedicated to it. Now, it seems I'm just finding the time to have a creative outlet again. Seems as if November is the usual time for me to stop and reflect and breathe before life speeds up again. Anyway, updates. My creative outlet... Has been my planner. My EDC, or Every-Day-Carry, has been a Hobonichi Techo A6 planner from Japan. I love it so much, this will be the third year I have completed in this planner! I plan, list, bullet-journal, scrap book, draw and paint in there. It's a little gem of happiness that I carry

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